Child and Parenting Support

Oxfordshire Health Visiting Service

Offering support and informed advice from the ante-natal period until the child starts school at 5 years.

For support or advice, please text the Health Visiting messaging service, Chat Health. All questions about your child’s health and/or development is welcome and no question is too “basic”.

ParentLine text 0-4 years:  07312 263081



Oxford Parent-Infant Project

Offering intensive therapeutic help to parents and babies in the first two years.

01865 778034





All around support

Home – Donnington Doorstep (

Gloji Energy by Achieve Oxfordshire

Offering free 12-week healthy lifestyle programmes for children aged 4-12 years who have measured on or above the 91st Centile and their parents/carers. Children receive free martial arts sessions whilst parents/carers have workshops on topics including portion sizes, fussy eating, physical activity, mindfulness and other healthy habits.

New programme dates are advertised on our News page.
